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Do’s and Don’ts for Springtime Allergies

Spring is in the air! And pollen, too … which means the sniffling, sneezing, and itchiness of allergies are soon to follow. But you don’t have to resign yourself to weeks of congested misery—there are ways to prevent symptoms and still enjoy the season.

Here are our top 10 do’s and don’ts for managing allergies this spring:

  1. DO plan ahead. If you know your allergy symptoms started in May last year, set a reminder for yourself in April to avoid pollen, mold, and any other triggers.

  2. DO wear a dust mask during yard work (even if pollen and mold counts are low).

  3. DO shower when you come inside after being outdoors. It’s important to rinse the pollen off your hair and body.

  4. DO use a dehumidifier. Ideally, indoor humidity should stay below 50 percent.

  5. DO prevent mold in your house by using an exhaust fan in areas like the basement, bathroom, and kitchen.

  6. DON’T ignore the weather. Check local pollen and mold counts every day. Limit the amount of time you spend outside when counts are high. Typically, pollen is worse in hot, dry, windy weather. Mold counts, on the other hand, can be high when it’s dry or humid.

  7. DON’T slack on bathroom and kitchen upkeep. Clean moist areas to help reduce moisture in the house and manage your allergies.

  8. DON’T open the windows at home and in your car. As much as you might want to enjoy the warmer weather, it’s not worth the risk of having an allergic reaction.

  9. DON’T forget to clean or replace air filters in your house. Be sure to periodically check air conditioners and other ventilation systems.

  10. DON’T try to tough it out. If none of these tips help you find allergy relief, talk with your healthcare provider. He or she can prescribe treatments such as allergy medicines or shots.



Online Medical Reviewer: Brian McDonough, MD
Date Last Reviewed: 6/1/2019
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